Talicud up front
This has been a long overdue post. The past few weeks have been nothing short of busy and I end up opting to just rest during the weekends and go offline as much as I can.
Anyway, here is my latest entry about my sudden trip to Davao. I had originally planned to go to Davao later during this year for work and vacation. My boss and I had discussed it around June and a few days after we came to know of the company outing and team building planned by our Davao office. Of course I was interested to go but I was unsure if it was going to be considered. Then, to my pleasant surprise, my manager booked me for a round trip flight.

However, I had a fail moment - i forgot to recharge my Nikon's battery. I had to go around conserving it and saving its energy. I was not able to take shots during the actual team-building session. In return I tried to select the shots I would take. Good thing full manual mode extends the battery life of the camera.
A short prayer before leaving the wharf. Our destination: Talicud Island's Isla Reta Beach Resort. White sands, cool sea breeze abound in this island located near Samal. It is called such because it is located at the back part of Samal - or so I have been told.
View of some ships from our lantsa as it departs the wharf.
Docking at Talicud Island.
I was also able to meet some wonderful people from our office during this trip. The people who work in the background to and help, in their own little ways, in bringing our products to the world.
I met some non-office, new acquaintances as well during the stay in Isla Reta. Ms. Sheena (above left) and her friend happened to be taking photos near the rocks where me and some office-mates were as well. I gave some suggestions with their poses and also gave them the above shots.
Towels abound waiting for the sun-kissed owners dipping in the cool waters nearby.
I plan to post my mobile phone pics as well on a separate post so please do stay tuned for that as well.
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