Talicud up front

This has been a long overdue post. The past few weeks have been nothing short of busy and I end up opting to just rest during the weekends and go offline as much as I can. Anyway, here is my latest entry about my sudden trip to Davao. I had originally planned to go to Davao later during this year for work and vacation. My boss and I had discussed it around June and a few days after we came to know of the company outing and team building planned by our Davao office. Of course I was interested to go but I was unsure if it was going to be considered. Then, to my pleasant surprise, my manager booked me for a round trip flight. However, I had a fail moment - i forgot to recharge my Nikon's battery. I had to go around conserving it and saving its energy. I was not able to take shots during the actual team-building session. In return I tried to select the shots I would take. Good thing full manual mode extends the battery life of the camera. A short prayer before...