From the Baul... again

Before anything else let me greet those who want to be(and will feel good to be) greeted this month: "HAPPY VALENTINES!" For those who wish not to be greeted (such as me): Chill, it's all right, there's always next time. And if someone around you rubs Valentine's in your face, like this just smile (and probably ignore it)... Moving on. After getting sick last week, I decided to clear out more clutter from my room. Lo and behold! I found some things from college days(specifically the time when I was living in QC). I just wanted to show everyone some "drawings" from that phase of my life. Reminisce with me. These are two pages from a sketch book I had back in those days. Yes, I had a sketch book. This was done by me and one close friend of mine one night will hanging out. This one is an "artwork" I made for a friend. I replicated the design and then added a few details and gave it to her as a gift. This next one was drawn...